This is my famous, even though newly created recipe, for Simply Fabulous Pumpkin Bread. Pumpkin recipes are perfect especially in the fall. This is a very easy pumpkin bread recipe to make. My favorite time is fall with all the newly picked apples, fresh pumpkins, squashes and cranberries. I could write a book on those ingredients with all the recipes I’ve made over the years. Pumpkin isn’t just for Jack O’ Lanterns, it’s actually a very useful and tasty fruit. Yes tell you kids that, just like one of my other favorites tomatoes, they are a large fruit! These are made with this very healthy fruit….Pumpkin! Nutritionally they are loaded with beta carotene which converts to vitamin A. Eye health, your immune system, heart disease are all helped by eating low calorie beta carotene foods like pumpkin. Shhhh….we don’t have to mention how healthy this is to the kids! I always had a house rule for my kids, you must try 1 bite and then decide to eat more or not. They usually ate, unless it was green! It’s not easy being healthy green food….sigh. This is my absolute favorite Pumpkin Bread recipe I’ve ever created. It is wonderful