Cream Cheese Glaze

Cream Cheese Glaze

Cream Cheese Glaze….more flavor than a plain glaze When you need just some light glaze over carrot cupcakes, pumpkin bread, muffins or even a quick bread….this is my favorite go to recipe.  This could be called cream cheese glaze frosting.  It has more flavor than just a plain powdered sugar glaze. Depending on what you are using this for you can use other extracts or even a liquor or brandy.     Just one of the many ways to use this glaze.   More interesting than the usual sugar glaze on pastries, quick breads or muffins.  Any item where cream cheese is a natural flavor go to.   One way to use this glaze       © Angel’s Food Paradise 2018

The Secret Apple Oatmeal Muffin Recipe from the Corse Family Farm

The Secret Apple Oatmeal Muffin Recipe from the Corse Family Farm

Do you love passing down recipes? The Secret Apple Oatmeal Muffin Recipe from the Corse Family Farm is a passed down family recipe. This is the memory tugging from childhood kind of recipe.  Aren’t those the best? There is a lot to be said for passing recipes down to the family and friends.   So much of the pleasure in our lives can come from childhood memories sitting around the table and the traditions we have developed with our families.   There may be other recipes similar in idea to what we remember growing up but, they are never quite right to our taste buds memories. Why did I start food blogging? One of the reasons I started blogging recipes, is to make sure mine are passed on to my children, future grandchildren and friends.  My grandmother taught me to make some of her specialties and if she didn’t pass the recipes on to me, they would have been lost for eternity. I would compare recipes to hearing that song that always brings back memories. he recipes we’ve indulged in growing up are a part of our history.   Watch Abbie Corse make her dad’s favorite muffins: Apple Oatmeal Muffins

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