Cranberry orange pecan compote homemade is super simple and quick to make. Cooking cranberries is really quite quick and easy. Cooking is what you love to do if your flavor wheel house loves to expand. There is no right or wrong way to make a cranberry compote as far as flavor profiles. Occasionally I have read that people will add some jalapeño even for a change. The techniques will get you where you need to for the finished food but flavors? That is really up to your tastebuds. For more cranberry compote recipes click here. My Favorite Cranberry Orange Pecan Compote peel orange with vegetable peeler for strips (but just the colorful part, no white) My Favorite Cranberry Orange Pecan Compote 6 servings + Ingredients 1 cup orange juice 1 cup sugar, white or light brown 3 – 1″ wide strips of orange peel 2/3 cup chopped toasted pecans 14 oz fresh whole cranberries shelled pecans Preparation Into a saucepan bring orange juice and sugar to a boil. Add the cranberries, orange peel, and simmer till the berries start popping and liquid thickens. When ready to cool, thoroughly stir in the toasted pecans to spread evenly. Leave the peel in or remove
Love the autumn and the newly harvested apples, cranberries, pumpkins and other fall-harvested ingredients. One of my favorite recipes combines apple, cranberries, and cinnamon with either apple juice or cider. Lovely combination of flavors! Think fall you not only think back to school, Halloween and football but new crop of apples, pumpkins and cranberries. Three of of my favorite foods. ? A lovely condiment to serve with chops, chicken, turkey or other poultry. Don’t be afraid to experiment when you cook, that’s how new recipes have always been created! For more cranberry compote recipes click here. whole cranberries ready to cook Granny Smith Apples Apple Lovin’ Cranberry Compote 6 servings Ingredients 1 cup apple juice or cider 1 cup sugar 1 medium to large granny smith apple Cinnamon sticks 14 oz fresh whole cranberries (or frozen not defrosted) 1 cinnamon stick Preparation Peel and chop the apple into roughly chopped chunks. These chunks will break down during cooking but smaller chop works best. It is fine to have some pieces larger so they show in the finished product. Into a saucepan bring the juice or cider, cinnamon stick and sugar to a boil. Add the cranberries, apples to pot and stir.